London & Southampton Scenarios – Someah & Sami

Koh.Tu.Me is a Social Networking Application that is centered around bringing people together for events. It provides travel suggestions for the users so that they can travel to events with other event attendees. This blog gives examples of user scenarios of Koh.Tu.Me using the cities of London and Southampton.

London Scenario (Pleasure)

Sara has been invited to her friends wedding in the centre of London, she received the invitation from Koh.Tu.Me. She is unfamiliar with the application intricacies, but knows that it helps organise travel to events. Her main priority is to locate the cheapest public transport route she can. She puts in her home location, and the event details already contain the wedding destination, and Koh.Tu.Me shows her different transport options including:

  • Underground train
  • Bus
  • Train
  • Taxi

Koh.Tu.Me presents the times and prices of the different transport options, and a taxi number to call to receive a quote. Sarah decides to travel by bus as that is the cheapest option. Koh.Tu.Me then details her with which other event attendees will also be using that bus route so they can travel together.

Southampton Scenario (Business)

Paul lives in Winchester, and has just accepted a job working for a large company near Southampton Central Station. He has been invited to a corporate welcome event by his company using Koh.Tu.Me but naturally being new he doesn’t know anyone else working for this company, or even the best way to travel to it. He was chatting with his friends about the event, and the following conversation ensued:

Paul: “it would be really useful if I could find someone else to go to the event with me”.

Paul’s friend: “Have you seen that on Koh.Tu.Me, it provides a travel organisation service! You can choose your preferred travel option, and it will highlight which of the event attendees are also using that option so that you can travel together if you wish.

Paul says: “Oh really!! I will definitely have a look at that!”.

Paul looked at different public transport options on Koh.Tu.Me and given his company’s proximity to Southampton Central Station, and his own proximity to Winchester station it seemed like the train would be his best option. He then was shown that two other men going to the event were also going to take the train from Winchester station. All three men then met at Winchester station and bought a group travel ticket, thus enabling them to all save money, and find new travel companions for work. 

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