Challenging questions and ethical obligations: the ethics of everyday practice > 21 January 2015

Conference Themes


Exploring the ethics of everyday practice

Ethical issues are a constant feature of everyday health and care practice, yet the more commonplace concerns and choices encountered are much less well explored than are the big conceptual issues such as euthanasia or abortion.  Recent inquiries into poor healthcare have identified and reinforced the need to listen to each other, to share perspectives and decision making, and to challenge assumptions and opinions. Understanding everyday responsibilities and obligations requires a radical rethink of how, when and with whom we learn about how to think and act in ethical ways. Our presenters include students, people who use services, and practitioners and academics from different branches of health, social care, law and medicine.

Contributions are intended to provoke thinking around such shared concerns as: How can agreement between different views be reached in practical ways regarding what is best for someone? Can values be taught and/or measured in everyday interactions and situations – and what are the implications of seeking to do so? How are multiple or conflicting obligations negotiated and prioritised, in partnership with patients, families and across disciplines? In what ways do cultural and organisational norms or pressures influence personal decisions and behaviours? What kind of learning and education promotes the internalising of ethical standards, and supports the ability to speak up, and/or to act in ethical ways? How do laws, policies, and professional codes impact on individual practices, helpfully or unhelpfully?

The full call for papers and posters ensured the inclusion of a range of perspectives, to open up discussion and create new conversations and networks. Support for new presenters is at hand from the conference organising team, which includes patient leaders and student champions.

Social media will be an important means of promoting, sharing and developing resources following the event. The hashtag for the event is #everydayethics and participation via Twitter is welcomed by those unable to attend.


Original call for papers.


image courtesy of wordle, drawn from Executive Summary Francis Report.


  • Ethics Southampton