Strategic Aims
Student Recruitment and Outreach
1.1 Improve suitability of Engineering Foundation Year for computing students to encourage more female students without standard A-levels to enter our programme. (Status)
1.2 Detailed monitoring and reporting of admissions data by gender for review and identification of new actions by ECS Board (status)
1.3 Improve ratio for female applicants (status)
1.4 Outreach focused on encouraging more girls to consider ECS (status)
Staff Recruitment and Promotion
2.1 Increase recruitment of female academic staff (status)
2.2 Systematic monitoring of promotion (status)
2.3 Gain better understanding of why female PGs are not applying for research positions and why many RFs are not applying for academic posts (status)
Work Environment
3.1 Support of flexible working ‘family friendly policies’ (status)
3.2 Improve the take up of occupational maternity pay for women on fixed term contracts. Assist with return to work after maternity leave.
Staff Development & Training
4.1 Improve the level consultation and cohesion of PGs and RFs
4.2 Support for career development for women
4.3 Mandate and provide diversity training
Athena Swan Agenda
5.1 Maintain active Athena Swan Committee and maintain engagement with university level Athena Swan groups.
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