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Poster Planning

I haven’t posted a blog post in a while, mainly because I’ve spent most of my time being ill or writing bits and pieces for other coursework.

So here is a quick update on what I’ve been doing for this module: I’ve drafted out a skeleton framework for the report, I’ve added some indicator sentences in each of the sections of the report so that I vaguely know what I’ll be writing in each, and I’ve had a stab at writing the first drafts of background and disciplinary approaches for each of the disciplines I’ll be discussing (Economic geography and Computer science).

For the poster, I’ve been doing some brain storming for layout ideas based on the lecture we had last monday from Seth, and trying to include as many of the ‘good aspects’ of poster writing as I can. I think I’ve finally selected a layout I like, so now I’ll move onto trying to fit what bits of text I would like and where.

Creating the poster is probably going to be the fiddly bit. I’m actually not looking forward to spending most of my day faffing around with margins and text boxes that keep moving for no apparent reason. I’ve asked for some formatting help from some computer scientists, and they suggested using Ink Scape for poster creation because it gives you a bit more control and is simple to get the hang of, so I’m giving that a go. I’ll provide an update on how I’m finding using it in case any of you are eager to try a new method. Wish me luck.


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