Archive for category User Requirement Research

Use Case and Activity Diagrams

This is the Use Case diagram:

According to the Use Case Diagram, the Activity Diagram are drawn  as below:

Accounts Setting and Register:

Setting preferred social network accounts and register on Uni4One at first time, otherwise users can modify the accounts.

View Social Information:

Select different frame to browse different information on multiple social platforms.

Compose New Post:

Send a new post to a particular social web or multiple ones.

Friends Connection:

Connect same friends automatically and/or manually.

Key Words Searching:

Type key words to get search results.

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User Requirement Research: Report and Analysis of Feedback

According to this survey, we finally got 14 people’s feedback. Due to most of our friends are Chinese, so sample are largely based on Chinese preferences.

However, it also provide us a basic information about what universal client people want to use

Question 1. Which social do you use now?

Most people reported that they were using Facebook (12), second rank is Ren Ren (11, a Chinese Facebook). Compared with Facebook, less people were using Twitter or Wei Bo (6 and 9), the result showing our sample is Facebook based user. By the way, a lot of user chose LinkIn as an option, a possible reason is that our sample based on ECS students so LinkIn were treated such important.

However, because only 14 people received this questionnaire, so the result means most people have two or three social network accounts at same time, which shows that a universal client could have a market for young social network users.

Question 2. How frequently do you use a social network web edition?

Most people replied that hey visited the social network everyday (10), while 4 people visited few times in a week. Those data shows young people really like to visit social network, as social network became part of their life.

Question 3. How do you normally access to those websites? By which way do you access to a social network?

People seems to treat web portal and mobile portal are same level important for them to access social network (14 and 13), while only 2 persons chose desktop client as their main way to access social network. It could be inferred that there is few desktop client is able to provide satisfied functions of social network so people rarely use desktop client. And this inspired us to design a prefect desktop client and web access portal to meet such need.

Question 4. Would you like to use any universal client that can access to multiple social networks at same time?

2/3 people believe they would like to try a universal client (9), while 1/3 people feel uncertain about this question (4). This indicated that though most people want to have a universal client to access social network, few people still doubt about the universal client. And we should release a attractive alpha edition to convert those people using universal client.

Question 5. From a scale as 1 to 5 (1 means the least and 5 means the most), please list the features that you want to access to a social network through universal client?

Excepted one option (upload video) has only 13 answers, all other options got fully answered. Base on the average weight, the most important feature people believed is the synchronize status or tweet to all social networks (3.71), secondary, people thought update location and access to full list of contactors were second important features for them (3.07). Update media from universal rank the least significant feature in this survey.

From this result, it can get two conclusions. First, most people want to user a universal client is to update a same information to multiple social networks. And second, our survey targets hold a strong interest to a mobile edition of universal client (update location and access full list of contractors are features that people normally used on a mobile terminal.), which reminds us to provide a web access portal or mobile edition is very important to our customers.

Question 6. From a scale as 1 to 5 (1 means the least and 5 means the most), please list the new features you wish a universal would have?

In this question, people gave various answers that made it is really complicated to analyze, however, such different shows that users really wish a universal client could have special and amazing features for them. As rank 1, aggregate video of specific user, save tweet and match friends are most wanted features that people wish to have (3.71). Filter post of certain user got 3.64 as second. The least feature people interested in is save ‘like’ from Facebook. And we will develop our client based on the list of most interesting features.

Question 7. How much would you like to pay for such universal client?

‘Free is the best thing in Internet Age’, as it goes, most people feel the client should be free to use (9 for free with advert and 6 for clearly free). However, few people, whom we believe they also chose free with advert shows that they want to pay 1 pound less to enjoy our service. So our strategy is using advertisement as main revenue, plus with premier account and function for those few people who would like to pay for our service to gain profit.

Our Survey Result

A screenshot of our Survey Result

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User Requirement Research: Questionnaire

In order to have a better understanding on user’s need to a universal client, we designed a questionnaire to collect people’s feedback.

The questionnaire contains following question:

1. Which social do you use now?



Google Plus



Wei Bo (Chinese Twiiter)

Ren Ren (Chinese Facebook)

2. How frequently do you use a social network web edition?


Sometime during a week

Once a month


3. How do you normally access to those websites? By which way do you access to a social network?

Through Web

Through Mobile Edition or Mobile Client

Through desktop client

4. Would you like to use a universal client that can access to multiple social networks at same time?




5. From a scale as 1 to 5 (1 means the least and 5 means the most), please list the features that you want to access to a social network through universal client?

Write/Update your status/tweet to the social network

Update your location information to the social network

Update a picture to your social network

Update a video to your social network

Display a full list of your current social network contactors

6. From a scale as 1 to 5 (1 means the least and 5 means the most), please list the new features you wish a universal client would have?

Search your post by keyword

Aggregate the video uploaded by a specific user

Keep a record of all your tweets

Keep a record of all your Facebook posts

Keep a record of all your Facebook ‘Like’

Match your friends’ account from different social network

Filter posts from user

7. How much would you like to pay for such universal client?

Free or I won’t use it

Free with advertisement

Less than £1

More than £1

Link to our survey:


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