Topic 3: Reflection

Approaching Topic 3, I decided to do something a little different this week. I thought it would be helpful to share my initial research, by tweeting a link to a youtube video, which was pleasingly received by Anna and Lisa’s re-tweets!


Topic 3, seemed to reflect the need to develop our self-brand in all our networks. While I began my post with an interactive info-graphic and quote, to present the opportunities, and challenges of maintaining a professional and authentic online identity, it was apparent that my peers agreed.

Lucy’s suggestion of Twitter, as an alternative to the niche platform of LinkedIn, resonated with my research which saw the highly personal network of Facebook, as a place for current professional development. Whilst I was surprised, on reflection, it’s apparent that it’s possible for example, discovering and conscientiously selecting, and ‘liking’ company pages.


While I still believe that professional development is two-way & lifelong process, it’s vital that we’re able to find balance and have good overall coverage online. It was encouraging to read Charlie’s responses of the importance, of restraining from artificial construction of identity, but rather harnessing our social and professional networks to reflect honesty and transparency to attract and sustain employers attention.

Sophie’s blog right from the start, got me thinking ‘out-of-the-box’. The example of James’s CV on Tinder was ingenious, to achieve his goal of a job. What hadn’t been brought to my attention was the applicability of such an app to achieve a goal, however, in our interactions it was clear that we both saw the limitations of this app in rendering interaction and engagement, and that professional development is not just about applying ourselves solely to one network/app.

Adam’s further probe, led me to discover that ingenuity is also achieved offline; Candy Bar Resume and Fabric Resume and reminded me of Andy’s post in Topic 2, of converging to one identity. Thus, I am now more aware of my interactions and networks that I develop on and offline.

[Words: 330]

My Comments:

Lucy’s Blog:

Sophie’s Blog:



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