Maximising The Network Effect



I found that what I learnt regarding theories about the Network effect could help us to grow the miXXerS site. As we gain more users we can use social network analysis, to map and measure relationships between people, groups, organisations, computers, URLs, and other connected information/knowledge entities. Understanding who is our network and understanding how to maximise our network effect will be essential. Social media networks are not only valuable for artists and their fans, they’re also extremely effective for advertisers which in this case includes musicians, DJs and party/concert producers. Consumers’ tastes in music can say a lot about them (and ultimately their behaviors and likes). The nodes in the network (people and groups) and the links (relationships or flows between the nodes) will be analysed to give us insight into the various roles and clusters in our network.

There are important roles essential for the success of the social media site and we must identify those that are performing those roles or can perform the roles before the site is launched as well as when the site is live. They are the core of the network are are important in reaching a tipping point for the site as outlined by Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point. A few influential individuals can make a big difference through both online and offline roles. These include:

The Connectors: those that can introduce you to everyone you need to know to succeed and are connected to many people.

Mavens: those with useful specialised information which they don’t mind sharing with many.

Salesmen/salespeople: those that can sell the site and persuade others to use it and engage on it.

Moreover, in relation to Rogers Adoption Criteria we would argue that there is no one site that combines all elements of miXXerS. We will incorporate elements of Rogers Adoption Curve as outlined below:

Triability: Giving users the ability to trial the service before deciding to pay for it will hopefully be useful and if we target universities this would lead to a relative advantage.

Complexibility and Compatibility: Given we are mobile first the platform will be suitable for the young generation and we intend to make the site as simple to use as possible, though notifications as well as an simple user interface.

Observability:  If more users use the site then others would be encouraged to do the same when they observe this and if we target key influencers to join the site then they would encourage others to join too.

Relative Advantage: We believe that there is no one site that successfully combines the elements we provide for a range of music lovers and those that cater to them. Therefore miXXerS can capitalise on this advantage in an industry that has tremendous room for growth

We believe that using such concepts will help miXXerS to be a success.

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