Multimedia Research @ ECS

Archive for the ‘ImageTerrier’ Category

Southampton Goggles

The inaugural activity for the newly formed Web and Internet Science (WAIS) research group, the WAISFest, was a 3-day long hybrid between a hackday-style event and an unconference. During the fest, Jon and Sina ran an introductory tutorial on Map-Reduce processing with Hadoop, and together with some extra person-power, our multimedia team hacked together a […]

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Introducing OpenIMAJ and ImageTerrier

Over the past few months we’ve been working hard getting a large amount of code in shape to release publicly as open-sourced software. We’re releasing the code under two separate projects: OpenIMAJ – the Open toolkit for Intelligent Multimedia Analysis in Java ImageTerrier Both OpenIMAJ and ImageTerrier provide libraries and tools for experimentation and development […]

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