Category Archives: Welcome and Project Brief

Initial Project Brief

Our idea is to develop an application for University of Southampton students which would enable them to chat to student mentors and councillors when they have various issues or problems.

The idea is based on Nightline and other University services, bringing them together. The main feature of the app is it would be chat-based and anonymous, so students can seek help and support without disclosing their identities.

It is aimed at students with a wide variety of difficulties, from freshers adapting to the life of a student, exam stress, anxiety or depression, eating disorders, or other behaviour or mental problems. Students would log in with their student ID which will allow for a controlled environment, and following the Nightline system, volunteers will provide support and moderate discussion. There will be the option of individual chats with a mentor/councillor (such as Nightline or a face-to-face session), or become part of group chats (‘support groups’) where people with similar difficulties can support and encourages each other.

It will other help people of similar backgrounds form group chats so students can seek help in their native language. While the default settings would make each user anonymous (except for the mentors), they can choose to reveal their identity to specific users.

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Filed under Welcome and Project Brief