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Project plan 4: IPR

At the start of the project a detailed specification and description will be produced of all background intellectual property on software tools already developed and therefore owned by the University of Southampton and other partners and made available for use by the project.

Foreground IP emerging from the project will be identified and the ownership of the IP agreed. Typically, foreground IP is freely available to all parties to the project and for a predetermined period from the conclusion of the project.

The project will also publish guidelines on the commercial exploitation of the IP generated by the project and the benefactors thereof.

Software produced as part of the project will be based on open standards and released as open source. All software components will be distributed under the open source licenses favoured by their respective communities.

Office addins will be distributed through the Microsoft Research site for Scholarly Communications.

Software from the project will be added to the EPrints Services portfolio and maintained and developed by them.

Since it is open source, software will also be offered to other repository developers (e.g. DuraSpace and @mire) via an end‐of‐project workshop.


  • Code: multiple licences, GPL v3 where possible
  • Presentations and documentation: Creative Commons Attribution UK 2.0: England and Wales
  • Project content: Open Data Commons Attribution License

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