Challenging questions and ethical obligations: the ethics of everyday practice > 21 January 2015


21 January 2015

09:00 – 09:30: Registration

09:30 – 09:40: Welcome – Jonathan Drennan

09:40 – 10:15: Keynote: Care? Who Cares?Hazel Biggs
………………… Chair: Roger Ingham

10:15 – 11:15: Parallel Session I

Parallel session 1: Individual papers: Power, freedom and the good life: ethical frameworks for practice
Chairs: Jonathan Tomlinson and Tracey Davies

Parallel session I: Individual papers: The ethics of truth telling in practice and test cases
Chairs: Carol Rivas and Roger Ingham*

Parallel session I: Individual papers: Ethics, negotiated decision making and risk
Chairs: Julie Wintrup and Alex Gregory

Parallel session I: Individual papers: Ethics education – Perspectives of students and educators
Chairs: Angela Fenwick and Tracey Pugh*

* Four paper sessions may extend into break – refreshments will be made available to session presenters and chairs

11:15 – 11:30: Break

11:30 – 12:30: Parallel session II

Parallel session II: Round table discussion: Mind the gap: when compassion meets ethics
Chairs: Hilary Engward and Andreas Dimopoulous

Parallel session II: Individual papers: Voices less well heard: rethinking the place of ethics
Chairs: Sandy Walker and Alistair Wardrope

Parallel session II: Individual papers: Educating for ethical decision making and practice
Chairs: Sally Dowling and Cynthia Graham

Parallel session II: Forum Theatre – James Wilson with student nurses Shaun Joy and Lucy Franklin
Chairs: Phil Berry and Diane Gow

12:30 – 13:30: Lunch

13:30 – 14:15: Keynote: Why the truth mattersDavid Drew
………………… Chair: Angela Fenwick

14:15 – 15:15: Parallel session III

Parallel session III: Debate: Publicly-private; Privately-Public?  The Ethics of Self-Disclosure In A Digital Age, Marie Ennis-O’Connor with Tracey Davis and James Wilson

Parallel session III: Workshop: Resolving conflicts between families and health professionals: a practical approachSarah Barclay
Chair: Angela Fenwick

Parallel session III: Panel: Protection or peril? Using hidden cameras and other ‘remote’ technologies in social careMichael Dunn, Murray Anderson-Wallace and Suzanne Shale
Chair: Jonathan Drennan

15:15 – 15:30: Break

15:30 – 16:15: Keynote: From Practice to Theory – Ethics from the Ground UpRichard Ashcroft
Chair: Hazel Biggs

16:15 – 16:20: Closing comments – Julie Wintrup

16:30 – Conference closes

Programme may be subject to change


Commitment to an ethical ‘opt in’ filming policy:

Many presenters will be pleased to share and promote their work more widely so we have invited Stephan Caspar to join us. You can read his biography here. Stephan will film as many keynotes and presentations as possible, only with those who wish. No audience members will be included. You may like to have comments or feedback filmed individually or in small groups, in which case please offer this form of participation to Stephan directly.

Anyone who is filmed will be asked to sign a video release form, a copy of which is in your conference pack. Please note that materials developed from filming will be for distribution via the world wide web and your consent means waiving any or all claims regarding the use of this footage.
Thank you very much for your interest.


  • Ethics Southampton