Cool cities for people and planet – Regenerate Cities

Introduction to Regenerate Cities

Regenerate Cities looks forward to speaking with you about Cool cities for people and planet
tackling the most urgent environmental issue of our time, urban heat. We will focus on cooling cities
via Nature. As the planet’s temperature rises, primary heat sources come primarily from cities. It is
therefore imperative to cool Earth by restoring healthy soil ecology to cities. It recaptures carbon in
city soil drawing water back into the ground so soil and leaf evapotranspiration cools the
atmosphere, making Earth liveable again.
Biophilic buildings exemplify the approach. They insulate and cool structures, storing water, growing
food, clearing pollution, providing recreational space, maximising natural light and ventilation,
producing energy, increasing productivity, innovation, learning and health.
Regenerate Cities implements these practices and addresses other environmental issues, learning
from best practices used successfully over the years in multiple people-centred cities across the
globe. Innovative pollution and waste reduction strategies are tackled by Curitiba, Brazil. Vienna,
Austria prioritises good nutrition, improving health and accessible healthcare.
Initiatives for clean water and its efficient use are effected in a number of places including
Copenhagen, Netherlands that also leads in sustainable, city-wide energy policies.
Ecological regeneration is demonstrated in many urban areas taking effort and committed long-term
urban planning epitomised by specific visionary architects.

Biophilic zoning inspired by Regen’s turtle shell reminds us we all need a permanent home integrated
with Nature essentials within easy reach. Regen reminds us that most cities are accessible to the
coast and that water and land are essential. To feel at home, easily navigable, accessible, efficient
transport is essential. It is important for buildings of different heights to be juxtaposed.

To achieve net-zero it is essential Nature is at the centre of all planning, needing to incorporate eco
economics rather than simply conventional economic modelling. Natural capital with her positive
impacts and costs hidden from GDP, are essential. Our app helps you.
Regenerative ecological and water systems, circular economy eliminating waste and integrated
renewable energy systems deliver required outcomes.
All Earth’s matter owes its origin to the sun’s energy. Nature’s potential to deliver required
transformations is undeniable.

Regenerate Cities helps you reclaim this Abundant Life; in your research, implementation,
investment and on a one-to-one basis.
Let’s do it!.

Cities cover everything. Test my systemic, analytical expertise. Let Regenerate Cities help you!